Tuesday 30 July 2013

A final blog as a First Server

Our time in India and on the First Serve programme is now coming to an end. I have so many mixed feelings about it, I have had such an incredible time over these past few months, from Bible college at Tilsley to Grosvenor church in Barnstaple to teaching and being here in India. I have met so many great people over the 6 months and am so grateful for all the friendships made as well as the amazing memories. There has been some challenges over the months, whether illness or fear but God has always been there and protected, like he promises.

India has been so much fun. The past few weeks, the wildlife seems to have come to life as we have seen a hhuge black scorpion on our front door, one of the world's deadliest snakes called a krait - I nearly stepped on him but luckily he just caught my eye!- and a comelian walking across the road, I never knew they walked so slowly and bounced as they went. The teaching has been a great experience. The past few weeks has been finishing off lessons and for my 7th standard, getting ready for our assembly on Friday, they are doing a drama on the story called the Three Trees as well as a few songs, a memory verse and a prayer. The rest of my classes has been trying to think of really fun things for them to do during their lessons and so for art this week I have been taking in flowers, leaves and all sorts of nature from outside for the classes to draw. I have also been trying to spend as much time with the children as I can before going as well as with the families and their kids. I will miss them all alot here and am so grateful they let James and I have this experience together.

I have been taught so much about myself during this time, as well as about another culture entirely different to my own. God has really shown me new strengths I didnt realise I had in me. I'm now trying to convince James to have another year out and go on another adventure.. I think Uni is probably a wiser choice, and I'm sure it will be an adventure by itself.

Final goodbyes are always hard, but Im so grateful to know that I have another place in the world that I have briefly called 'Home' for the past few months. Phillipians 4 v 13 says 'I can do all things through /christ who gives me strength'. A firm assurance that anything can be done when we put Christ as our centre and ask for his guidance, his wisom as well as his love.

Love Hannah

Friday 19 July 2013

Ceremonies and Celebrations

We have reached a stage where time seems to be going so quickly here, so quick infact that it is hard to remember everything that has happened to write for you but I will try my best to remember.

One of the most memorable events that has happened is getting to go to a 'coming of age' celebration. This in English terms is a very odd Indian tradition which will happen once in every Hindu girl's life when she first hits puberty. The girl who this had happened to was infact a student at the school here and so you would think she would have been embarrassed to have seen us there however she was over the moon that as white people we had gone to join in her celebration. It is such a significant part of a girl's life as it now shows that she is marriagable and can produce a family. A hindu priest sat in the centre and gave offerings and performed trational ceremonial acts and after we had a huge feast, including chicken! Quite a novelty!

We also had the chance to go to another wedding which seemed alot more joyful than the previous one and we were even tickled on the feet by the bride and groom as a sign of respect to us, being white. Another great feast was held which was a mixture of alot of Indian food, largely alot of rice in different ways of cooking it, who knew rice could bee made into so many different things and flavours.

We have just come back from a couple of days in Bangalore. Shopping for 7 hours after an overnight train ride on the first day there was an interesting idea but was still so enjoyable to get to see more of Bangalore and make some Indian purchases. Some of the ladies decided to get their ears pierced, and thinking this would be done in a nice jewellers I also tagged along with the idea. However, after looked around a few places and no where did it, we saw a sign down a back street alley way that said they did it and got it done there, luckily we had our tetanus updated before coming! The main reason for going to Bangalore, or Bengaluru in Indian, was to send one of the volunteers, Pippa, off as her flight was from there the next day. She has been here with us since we arrived and came on the same flight as James and I. I have also been sharing a little house 'the cottage' with her and made a great friendship with her. I will really miss her being here with us and sharing this experience with her as we spent majority of our time together. Her leaving has also really made me look forward to going home myself and I am so excited seeing all my family and friends again really soon, 6 months away is a long time!

The final preparation parts for doing all the last things before going have started now and so I  am leading 'Seekers' tonight with all the older children in the hostel and home as well as leading the word at our cell group in 2 weeks and also holding a class assembly in 2 weeks with my year 7 class. Alot to look forward to but also alot to prepare and get ready. Its a good job we can do all things through Christ who can give us strength, I will certainly need in the last couple of weeks here!

Love Hannah