Monday 25 March 2013

Sensing Serenity

This week has really emphasised how much we need to rely totally on God's strength and not just think we can do it by ourselves without his help. With having such a busy week, it can be so easy to forget to ask for God's help in it and put on his armour, but it so obviously makes such a huge difference when we do and when we do take that leap of faith and trust that he will turn the situation around as he says in Romans 8v28 "He works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

I don't think 'busy' cuts how I've really felt over the past few weeks, but it has been such an amazing experience all at the same time. I have had to keep apologising for bad replying to emails and text for being so delayed, if you are one of those, I will apologise again now! We are really looking forward now to having a relaxing weekend at Lee Abbey, catching up with everyone we can, seeing Miri and my Dad and just getting in some good family time before getting stuck back in again into our last week, we are calling it 'our mini retreat'.

We have met such lovely people here at Barnstaple and have so loved all the work we have put into here, the kids clubs and the youth work, it has been such an eye opener into how much is going on to getting people to learn more about God here in North Devon as well as all the job involves.

We started the week today with a small gathering of those from Grosvenor and had a prayer meeting for the youth and children of Barnstaple, it was such a lovely way to start the week, putting God into my main role here. We tried to focus on Psalm 62 which I want to finish this post with as it has such lovely verses to reflect on.

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.
                                             He alone is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

Love Hannah

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